Ottawa poet, Sandra Ridley visited me in the Book Room - threatening,
in fact, to set her pet badger on Mordecai - when she was in Toronto
recently to give a poetry reading at the Pivot Readings.
Born in Saskatchewan, informed by the land and the light of that beautiful province, Sandra Ridley is someone who will never pull the curtains across her train window. Her innovative verse style landed her on the short list for the Robert Kroetsch Award in 2009.
We talked about her latest collection, Post Apothecary, a meditative novel in verse (in my opinion, anyway) about illness, medical treatment, recovery, and all the ambiguities and uncertainties of those processes.
I hope you enjoy the program.
... and then, I hope you enjoy Sandra Ridley reading her poem, phantasmagoria 3, from Post Apothecary:
Born in Saskatchewan, informed by the land and the light of that beautiful province, Sandra Ridley is someone who will never pull the curtains across her train window. Her innovative verse style landed her on the short list for the Robert Kroetsch Award in 2009.
We talked about her latest collection, Post Apothecary, a meditative novel in verse (in my opinion, anyway) about illness, medical treatment, recovery, and all the ambiguities and uncertainties of those processes.
I hope you enjoy the program.
... and then, I hope you enjoy Sandra Ridley reading her poem, phantasmagoria 3, from Post Apothecary:

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