In the spirit of Jeffersonian eternal vigilance, may I remind you that we continue to live in a society where the banning of books is still regularly attempted. If you don't believe that -- renewed hope and all that -- just join the electronic mailing list of the Book and Periodical Council's Freedom of Expression Committee. Those of us who choose to monitor this kind of thing receive weekly (at least) reports from the FOEC about active legal challenges to free expression in Canada. It is an ongoing and seemingly neverending struggle.
This is Freedom to Read Week. There are free expression celebrations planned across the country. Have a look at the FTR website and find out when and where you can insist upon the right to read, write and think freely. I hope to see many of my fellow Torontonians at the Gladstone Hotel tomorrow evening (1214 Queen Street West, 6:30 p.m.). If there are no events planned near you, you can also celebrate FTR week by quietly, and freely, enjoying one of the books or magazines that have been challenged and/or banned in Canada.

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