In an engaging, sacred-cow tipping essay in the March 2013
issue of the Literary Review of Canada, economist George Fallis sketches a
portrait of what he calls Canada’s Surprising One Percent. The subtitle of the
essay brilliantly sums up our current state – Never have so many been paid so
much to care so little.
Noting that Canada has enjoyed a “steady reduction in
after-tax poverty” in the last three decades, and that much of that reduction
is the result of the very government intervention Occupiers demand, Fallis
wonders about the “jumble of incoherent complaints” that came out of last
year’s Occupy protests. If the 99% in Canada is, in fact, not being slowly
crushed by the unstoppable advance of poverty and a crumbling social democracy,
then why do we feel so threatened?
Fallis finds his answer by taking a long honest look at
Canada’s actual 1% of top wage earners, who have indeed seen their compensation
packages rise sharply in comparison to the average among the rest of us. But
instead of blaming just the usual caricatured fatcat bankers and robber barons
of industry (though these figures certainly exist in his paradigm), Fallis
posits it is the relatively new one percenters in education, media, business
and culture who are failing our society, mainly by abdicating
the very responsibilities of leadership for which they are so handsomely paid.
Jane Jacobs, Fallis writes, argued there are five pillars of our culture that we depend on, including higher education and the self policing of the learned professions. These pillars are showing signs of decay. Universities drift away from educating toward credentialing. Legal and accounting fraud increases; neither profession can be trusted any longer to “maintain stability, honesty, and good order for the common welfare.”
I’ve wondered elsewhere at the outright gall of
extraordinarily well compensated university administrators campaigning to further impoverish the already underpaid cultural underclass, and the tenured
professors enjoying guaranteed income for life (plus generous bonus
and benefit packages, sabbaticals and extremely flexible work hours) who lend
authority to this attack on workers’ rights by theorizing about an ill-defined
common good that demands others make far less than they do.
I’ve also wondered at media supercorporations (making record
profits through concentration and vertical integration) who demand more and more from their workers with no compensatory rise in pay. That is precisely what’s happening right now with freelance
contracts attempting to scoop up every single income-producing right from
writers while offering pay that was standard thirty years ago.
And it’s also what’s happening as a 1% class of college and
university administrators, faculty leaders and chief legal counsels spread the
doctrine of expanded fair dealing throughout education. In the fair dealing
model, on display across the educational sector in aggressive new policy
statements, writers and artists are expected to provide their work for free,
while tuitions shoot ever upwards, and more and more of the actual work of
education is foisted on underpaid sessional instructors. Who profits from this ironically
named expropriation? Certainly not the students, who are all headed for the
same kind of treatment from the 1% after graduation.
What George Fallis leaves out (though I’m hoping he’ll get
into this in an upcoming book) is how the 1% manages to get away with its
absurd financial success on the backs of a majority who really should have the
power and will to force greater (actual) fairness.
I think the answer lies with those overpaid theorists, who
have somehow managed to mask their own privilege. Nothing surprises and
depresses me more in the current copyright battle over compensation for
educational use than running up against the underclass of “free culture” true believers – the students, library workers and adjunct teachers who wave a fair
dealing banner with all their might. To them - absurdly - artists and writers
averaging $24,000 a year in real wages represent the elite and entitled.
Somehow, a handful of wealthy faculty and administrative bosses
have convinced thousands of their lessers to hit the streets in a protest against paid work – a protest absolutely designed to make
sure those same students, library workers and adjunct teachers will never rise to the level of economic
comfort and safety as that enjoyed by the intellectual leaders of their
Well played, 1%... well played.

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